Wellness &Relaxation Package

Are you feeling stressed, frazzled, pulled in different directions and spread too thin with no time for yourself? Worried about burnout?

All kinds of people struggle with the hectic pace of modern life and can benefit from this package.  However, I’ve noticed this pressure can be particularly acute for women juggling between work and family.

Through my clinical practice as a Medical Herbalist, I have seen time and time again the detrimental effects of stress on the health of my patients.  Therefore, I have decided to offer a Wellness & Relaxation package, open to all, in order to help you implement some positive lifestyle changes.

The Wellness & Relaxation package combines an aromatherapy back massage, Reiki healing and chakra alignment to relax, calm and ground you, bringing you back into balance.  This will allow you to regain your sense of self and reconnect with your direction in life.

What Happens During the Treatment?

First there will be a short consultation and Reiki scan to assess any imbalances, so I can choose the right base oils and essential oils for your massage.   

Then you will receive a back massage using extremely high end, pure organic oils for the greatest therapeutic effect. 

During the massage, I will work on either side of your spine where I’ll be able to feel and begin to clear any blockages.

After the massage you will redress and lie on your back with a blanket and eye pillow to receive the Reiki healing. A cushion will be placed under your knees so you can totally relax during the treatment.

Then you will come up into a sitting position for the chakra alignment. Nine Springs clinic is equipped with hydraulic couches so you won’t have to move.  

We will close the session by taking a few minutes to chat about what came up during the healing and any advice to enhance your wellbeing going forward.

The whole package will last up to 2 hours. Scroll down for more information on the therapies.

Aromatherapy Massage

Most essential oils are produced by distilling aromatic plants, which captures the medicinal properties of their volatile oils. They can be made from leaves, flowers, seeds, fruit, bark, wood, or roots. The base carrier oils used in aromatherapy have healing actions too that are often overlooked. Essential oils can tone your vagus nerve, bringing you back into your parasympathetic state of calm. 

I was taught an Aromatic Medicine module during my Herbal Medicine degree, so along with my ITEC aromatherapy massage qualification, I can choose the best therapeutic oils to benefit your health.  As a practicing Herbalist I have a strong connection with the plants from which the oils are made, so I am able to bring that knowledge into each treatment. 

Copper alembic still with Rose Scented Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens ‘Attar of Roses’)

I have decided to also offer aromatherapy massage sessions separately from this Wellness & Relaxation Package.

45 minutes - £45

60 minutes - £60

90 minutes - £85

All treatments include a mini consultation to choose the very best oils to benefit your current needs. Use the booking form on this page and add your choice to the box.


Reiki is an ancient form of energetic healing that works holistically on the subtle levels of your electro magnetic field.  It was re-discovered in the 19th century by Dr. Usui, a Japanese monk and teacher. Reiki can be felt flowing out of the hands of the practitioner into the person receiving the healing. When receiving Reiki, you may feel a sense of deep, loving peace or sometimes fluctuations in temperature.  Some people experience a flood of images or memories, see colours or feel a release of blocked energy.

As a Reiki Master for nearly 20 years, and a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) combined with my clinical expertise as a Medical Herbalist, I am keenly attuned to the underlying emotional and mental causes of disharmony or disease.  This strength of perception allows me to provide you with a bespoke Reiki treatment specific to your individual needs, leaving you feeling relaxed and grounded.

Chakra Alignment

Chakras (meaning ‘wheel’ in Sanskrit) are concentrated energy centres located along a channel that runs up the length of the spinal cord into the brain.  For optimal health and wellbeing, they need to be open, in balance and aligned.  Imbalances can occur during the course of stressful everyday life. 

There are 7 main chakras and numerous minor ones, and I will be working with 13 chakras for these sessions. Each chakra is associated with specific emotional and behavioural responses, which can also be correlated to the glands and hormones of the physical endocrine system.

I will be using my Reiki skills to scan your chakra system on the etheric level and to realign your chakras, bringing you back into harmonious balance.   

Pricing &Booking Details

Treatments will take place at Nine Springs Natural Health Centre in Yeovil.

2 hours Wellness & Relaxation Package £150

Contact me if you have any questions about the treatment.