My Credentials and Qualifications

Herbal Medicine & Healing

I have a Bachelor of Science Honours degree (BSc Hons) in Herbal Medicine and am a Member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (MNIMH), which is the oldest professional body of herbal practitioners in Britain.

I completed a 4 year degree at the prestigious Scottish School of Herbal Medicine in Glasgow between 2005 and 2009. Training included 500 hours clinical practice and intensive study including:

  • anatomy & physiology

  • pathology

  • differential diagnosis

  • clinical examination

  • nutrition

  • aromatic medicine

  • allopathic treatment strategies

  • pharmacology

  • pharmacy preparations

  • drug/herb interactions

  • pharmacokinetics

  • botany & plant identification

  • therapeutics

  • Materia Medica

Materia Medica is the study of the actual herbs of which we covered nearly 200. The usual traditional and modern indications and uses, constituents, actions, research into efficacy by human (not animal) clinical trials and pharmacology were taught. This was balanced by an energetic approach that was unique to the Scottish School at that time. We ‘met’ every single herb first by tasting it blind before we were told what it was.

We were also introduced to Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Humoral Medicine.

Other therapeutic qualifications

  • Ear Acupuncture up to Level III

  • ITEC massage and aromatherapy

  • Usui Traditional Reiki up to Level III – Masters/teaching level.

  • 100 hours Shiatsu training

Natural Skincare & Cosmetics

I also have studied natural skincare with the leading green beauty experts Formula Botanica having completed the following courses:

  • Certificate in Facial Masque Therapy

  • Certificate in Organic Anti-Ageing Skincare

  • Certificate in Natural Cosmetic Preservation

I am currently studying their Advanced Diploma in Organic Cosmetic Science.


Organic Gardening, Landscape Design & Permaculture

I also have a background in horticulture from before I had children and achieved the following qualifications:

  • City & Guilds Horticulture Level 1

  • Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) General

  • Year 1 of the Masters Degree in Horticulture at Norwood Hall Institute of Horticultural Education.

One of my first jobs was working in a nursery for the London Borough of Harrow Parks Department, growing plants on a large scale. My first business was as a landscape gardener and designer. While I loved working with plants, I became disillusioned with mainstream horticulture due to the toxic chemicals and pesticides used and their negative effect on the environment. This is why I abandoned my horticulture degree and changed direction. Throughout my life I have always loved organic gardening to grow food and herbs. Later, I studied permaculture with the late, great Patrick Whitefield.