Herbal Medicine Clinic

Your body has an incredible capacity to self repair. Herbal medicine works on many levels, from biochemical interactions with cells, to balancing tissue states, to enhancing optimal function of organs and systems, to elevating mood and general vitality.

In order to engage your full healing potential, I will also provide you with dietary and lifestyle advice to address the underlying cause of why you got ill in the first place. So, please come prepared to make some changes and I will help and encourage you every step of your journey back to health.

Fill in the form and I will get back to you within a couple of working days to schedule an appointment.

Herbal Consultations

The initial consultation will take approximately 1½ to 2 hours. It includes a full case history and a clinical examination if appropriate.

Herbal medicine will be prescribed along with dietary and lifestyle advice according to your individual needs.

Follow on consultations take around ½ to ¾ hour and will usually take place 3 weeks later but, depending on circumstances, it could be a shorter or longer time between visits.


Consultations on Skype or my home clinic in Higher Odcombe:
Initial consultation: £90 (2hrs)
Follow on consultation: £50 (45mins)

Consultations at Nine Springs Natural Health Centre in Yeovil:
Initial consultation: £99 (2hrs)
Follow on consultation: £55 (45mins)

105ml Tincture: £12
50g Dried Herbs: £8

About Your Herbal Medicine

  • Organic herbs are always used where available (however some herbs, especially Chinese ones, do not have an organic certificate).

  • Many of the tinctures and herbs are grown and produced in-house.  For those that I buy in, the supply chain is very important to me and I always buy from the most ethical companies.

  • All the dispensing of medicines is done in my clinic and everything is vegan.

  • 105ml of tincture or 50g of tea is usually a weeks worth, but this does vary.

  • You may need more than one medicine at the same time. 

  • Ointments, lotions, creams, capsules, poultices and liniments are individually priced. This will be discussed with you prior to me prescribing them.

What Happens in a Consultation?

At the first visit, your full case history will be taken. This involves me listening to why you have come for treatment and gives a chance for you to explain all your symptoms and how you feel about them. You will be asked about when the problem started and how it has progressed.

Then you will be asked about your past medical history, key illnesses in close family members and a review on each system of the body e.g. respiratory system, nervous system and digestive system. Details of your diet, any allergies, stress levels, occupational and social factors that may affect your health will also be included.

You will probably be asked to have your blood pressure and pulse taken and a look at your tongue. If appropriate other clinical examinations can be carried out, with your permission. This may be listening to your heart or lungs, testing your hearing or vision, checking your joints or nerve function or feeling your abdomen.

Blood and urine test results can also be interpreted to aid diagnosis and in some cases I may be able to do these tests for you if you wish.

Holistic Treatment

All this information builds up a very precise picture of your health, which allows me to understand your current condition within the context of any contributing factors that have led to your present imbalance. This is therefore, what is known as a holistic approach because we are looking at the whole picture.

Treatment can then be tailored to your unique individual needs and will also include dietary and lifestyle advice. You will be prescribed herbal medicine which may be in the form of teas, powders, capsules, tinctures or non-alcohol based extracts for taking internally and/or ointments, creams, lotions, poultices, liniments or sprays for external use.

Clear instructions as to dosage will be given and you will be asked to return for follow-up visits at appropriate intervals to monitor your progress.

Everything disclosed in a consultation will be strictly confidential. Please make sure you read and understand the Terms and Conditions before your appointment.


Home Visits

These are available mainly for elderly, infirm or acutely ill patients who are unable to make the journey to see me. In addition to the standard consultation and medicine fees, my travel costs are as follows:

  • Mileage 50p per mile

  • Travel time £20 per hour, worked out to the nearest 5 minutes.

So, for example, if you live 7 miles away and it takes me 16 minutes to drive there,
the return journey would be 50p x 14 = £7.00 for mileage and £10.00 for 32 minutes travel time, which makes a total of £17.00 on top of the normal prices for that home visit.